I am a proud Houston native that was born, raised, and went to school at University of Houston. Growing up, I enjoyed all of the opportunities and experiences this city has had to offer including but not limited to playing baseball and earning my eagle scout rank.
I graduated from UH with a biotechnology degree with a minor in business foundations. Towards the end of college, I interned and worked at a small Houston startup called re:3D that specializes in life sized affordable 3d printers and printing with recycled materials.
After graduation, I decided to embark on doing something I knew I wanted to do at some point: opening up a store as a part of family business,
T-Shirts. Etc.

Once my grandfather retired, he left the T-Shirt shop and business to Juzar (Jazz) to run and grow. For the past 30 years he has been learning, growing, and has become one of the top companies in the Houston area. His clients love and are truly loyal to him because of his great customer service, hard working attitude, and high quality products.
After some years of struggle and different trial and errors, he created an efficient workplace and has been able to hire 3 hardworking and diligent employees that help him run his shop. He has now moved out of the Heights Location and to a much larger warehouse space to be able to print larger quantities and get products to his customer with a quick turnaround. He is an expert in the custom garment industry, and T-Shirts Etc. Katy and T-Shirts Etc. West Houston would not be here today without his guidance.

Magnet was a member of our T-Shirts Etc. family for many years and was always a loving presence. His name came from his magnetic personality, he was so amazing that people were just attracted to him.
Growing up, he was always a sight for sore eyes. We got to walk, play, and get to know him. One memory I have is when I was a child, I went out to take Magnet on a walk and at this point he was bigger and stronger than me. Out of nowhere he started sprinting and ended up dragging me like a ragdoll for about 5-10ft. Luckily, it was on grass so I did not get hurt very badly and was pretty funny.
It was very hard to see Magnet get older and have to let him go. He will always have a place in our family and in our hearts. I will always be grateful that he was in my life and was the T-Shirts Etc. mascot for many years.
The Launch of T-Shirts Etc.
T-shirts Etc. began in 1983 upon my grandpa’s visit to a Franchise Expo where he got excited about becoming an entrepreneur of a t-shirt shop. Because of financing, he was informed that he was not able to afford one. However, being his determined and enthusiastic self, he was able to negotiate with a franchise owner to sell their franchise along with its gently used equipment at a greatly discounted rate. With $5,000 and a dream, T-Shirts Etc. came into existence with a retail store in the Heights.
To rewind a bit, my grandpa, FazelAbbas Sulemanji, and his family of 6, is 1 of about 1,500 Ugandan Asian families who found a home in the United States after the Idi Amin Revolution where Idi Amin, the President of Uganda, ordered the expulsion of the Asian community from the country in August 1972. They came to Houston, Texas after the Bleam family of the Lutheran Church sponsored them.
The Growth of T-Shirts Etc.
My grandpa built his business, T-Shirts Etc. on selling single t-shirts and hats with iron-on transfers. In 1991, he retired which is when his middle son, my uncle, Juzer took over the business. My uncle took the business to the next level of now doing multiple screen-printed and embroidered t-shirts and apparel for companies, schools, leagues, businesses, restaurants and other organizations.
T-Shirts Etc. has since expanded our product catalog growth and now offers our clients a variety of services and products such as promotional products, signs and banners, and trophies and awards. We have not stopped growing as we continue to expand with customer needs and requests.
With our many years of industry experience, we strive to provide exceptional customer service and products to meet our customer's needs and wants at fair pricing.
From a single storefront in the heights area, T-Shirts Etc. now has 3 locations to serve the Houston and the outskirts community. All 3 shops are individually owned and operated by family members.